Township Places Green Footprint on Community

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... Earlier this year, the Township launched ONE - Our New Environment, a corporate program that encourages employees, and the community at large, to reduce their footprint on the environment.

The program started with an anti-idling campaign that encourages employees to turn off their engines when their vehicles are stationary.

Employees are also encouraged to recycle while at work, and everything from paper to pop cans to food waste is collected through the in-house Responsible Recycling program.

As well, the Township strives to make sure its residents have the information and materials they need to help keep the earth green.

Public awareness is raised through special events such as Rivers Day and Arbour Day - fun family events which offer education about the environment.

And the Langley Demonstration Garden operates throughout the summer to help people learn about worms, composting, water conservation, and other earth-friendly yard options.

Residents help keep local streets, waterways, and trails clean through Adopt-A-Programs, and the Township's WaterWise initiative encourages people to save water by using low-flush toilets and reduce water waste outdoors.

For more information on these and other Township programs, visit

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